Pops Yoyo Trick Core
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Learn how to do the Pops Yoyo Trick.
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Pops Yoyo TrickThis trick is called Pops, or some people like to call it Asian Pops. Here is what it looks like.
Pops is a pretty simple trick. You can do it from a bunch of different mounts, but the most basic one is the Houdini Mount. Essentially, what you are doing is dismounting it, and then re-mounting it. Dismount, and then you re-mount it. You kind of slide the loop off your finger, and then you pull it back on. It is easier if you do it off to the floor at first, as you start to get more comfortable with it you can do it off to the side… get more repetitive with it. You know, do it over here, you can do it from the One-and-a-half Mount, do it from the Trapeze. Essentially you can do it anywhere, any of the basic mounts.
It is a pretty fun trick, it just takes a little bit of practice and some repetition. Once you get it down, it’s great.
That was Pops.