Bouncy Castle Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn the Bouncy Castle Yoyo Tricks. Submitted by Shawn Carvajal on

Bouncy Castle Yoyo Trick
In this video, I am going to teach you how to do the trick Bouncy Castle, and it looks like this.
Bouncy Castle was submitted to us on Patreon by Shawn Carvajal. For more information on how you can have your own opportunity to have one of your tricks taught on our YouTube channel, check out
Bouncy Castle starts with a Breakaway, followed by one Pinwheel. Then you are going to go into a 1.5 Mount, but rather than letting the yoyo go over your yoyo hand pointer finger, you just let it hit the top string, and then fall back down onto the bottom string, into a Sub-Mount.
From here we are going to perform a Jump Rope. We are going to hop the yoyo straight up, in front of this top string. Then we are going to bring our hands above, in front of, and then underneath the yoyo, and catch the yoyo right back on the string that it was on. So, you are right back into a Sub-Mount but you will notice that there is now this extra twist in the string on your throw hand side.
From here you are going to swing the yoyo over your opposite hand pointer finger and land the yoyo on the front string. Then we are going to take our opposite hand pointer finger and curl it down and towards ourself, so now you will see that we are in this Green Triangle formation, just like in the trick And Whut.
Once we are here, the first thing that we will want to do is flatten out the mount, so that the next hop is a lot easier to perform. We are going to take our yoyo finger and stick it out right next to our throw hand pointer finger, then we are going to hop the yoyo out of the back of this green triangle. We have to make sure to go behind and over the top of this top string. Then we are going to land it right here on the string connected to our opposite hand pointer finger. I am going to flatten the mount, hop up and over, land on that front string, drop my throw hand pointer finger, and boom, I am right back into a green triangle. From here we are going to hop out of the front over our throw hand pointer finger, and then go into a 1.5 mount, just like that.
So that is the first part of the trick. Once you are in the 1.5 mount for the second time drop your opposite hand pointer finger, so that you are now in a Keychain. Then you want to swing the yoyo over to your opposite hand side and undercut the yoyo, just like this. Then take your opposite hand and put all of your fingers inside this loop. Then grab this top string with your full fist. From here we are going to hop the yoyo out towards our opposite hand side, and as the yoyo is in the air we want to take our opposite hand and turn it towards ourself so that the back of my hand is facing out and my palm is facing me. When I do that, I can land the yoyo on the string that is connected to my opposite hand pinky, and I will be right back into a green triangle. Just like the last time, you want to hop out the front, then go back into a 1.5 mount.
From this 1.5 mount we are going to cross our opposite hand over our throw hand, just like this, and then we are basically just going to do the second hop in Kwyjibo. We are just going to pull our hands apart to hop the yoyo straight up, uncross our arms, and then rather than catching the string, we are just going to let the yoyo fall into this big hoop we have made with our arms and the string. Just to show you that again, I am going to cross my arm over, hop the yoyo up, don’t catch the string and let it fall into this big ring that I have made with my arms and the string.
From here I am going to take my opposite hand and bring it under the throw hand. I want the yoyo to go onto this string that is connected to my throw hand pointer finger. When I do that, I am right in a Green Triangle, I can just hop the yoyo right out of the front, uncross my arms, land the yoyo onto a trapeze and then perform a bind.
That is Bouncy Castle.
Oh, I didn’t see you there. I’m Jake, I hope you had fun learning Bouncy Castle. I know I did. If you are looking for the Canon yoyo that I used in this video you can check it out in our web store, right over here. Also, if you want your trick taught on our channel, just like Shawn’s, you can check out Thanks for watching.