Whip to 1.5 Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn the Whip to 1.5 Yoyo Trick.
Yoyo In This Video:

Whip to 1.5 Yoyo TrickIn this video I am going to teach you the Whip to 1.5 Mount. It looks like this.
Just like that. This trick is a great trick because it leads you right into your 1.5 Mount, and that is the foundation of all kinds of excellent tricks and so you can just make all those tricks a little bit better, a little bit more flashy by starting the trick out in this way.
There is one trick that might make this a little bit easier to learn, that is the Whip to Kamikaze Mount, this one in particular. The reason why this is a great trick is because you are getting used to whipping while the yoyo is in motion. We all know that it is a little bit easier to get whips to work if you can pinch the string and then whip the string into the gap. This is one of those tricks, the Whip to 1.5 Mount, where you have to get enough slack in motion while the yoyo is in the air, so if you have already learned Whip to Kamikaze Mount, that will help you out.
You definitely don’t need to learn that trick, I think it is a little bit easier than this one, so it might be a little bit easier to start, but it is really up to you which trick you are more interested in learning.
Like I said, the first thing that you really need to do is get the yoyo in motion the right way in order to do the trick. The way I usually do it, which I think is the easiest way, is to just start with some Pinwheels, and then right as the yoyo is peaking and starting to move this direction you just let the yoyo go. What you want to do with this hand is pinch your thumb and first finger and then roll it into the string. Just like this. That will allow you to get a nice whip out of the string while the yoyo is moving toward your hand.
You can see that if you get the timing just right while the yoyo is moving, that gives you plenty of slack so that you can do the trick. If you are also watching my hand you will see it is kind of a sad face I am making as I am doing the whipping motion.
What you want to do next is, you have already tossed the yoyo into the air, so the first thing that you want to do with the whip – it is really two things at once, but the first thing conceptually – is you want to insert your opposite hand, or maybe just your opposite first finger, into the string. This part, it is not too hard once you get the whip, because you can whip the string open so much that it is going to just go around your hand naturally, you will find it is pretty easy to get in there.
What you may notice is that as I am doing this, the yoyo is falling in-between my two hands. Just like that. It is just kind of ending up down there. The part that makes this tricky is that in order to get the yoyo to land on the string, you need the yoyo to pass over your yoyo hand. That is the part that messes people’s minds up because it is so natural to just let the yoyo drop. Once you can start getting the yoyo to move over your hand as you do the whip, then you are setup to make the whip work.
As you are doing this whip it is really important to know, what part of the string are you trying to use to catch the yoyo? One way to visualize it is to just whip the string up and catch it. If you imagine this is the slack loop right here, and then you would insert your finger right here as the yoyo is passing over. If that is the slack loop, then what you want to do is catch the yoyo on this string right here as the yoyo passes over your hand, just like that. Again, you can imagine the yoyo flying through the air, the slack loop is coming, and it is the vertical part of the string that is going to be aiming into the yoyo.Â
There are two ways you can kind of think about it as you are doing the trick. One way is to try to make sure that the yoyo is moving straight so that it will naturally intersect with your straight whip as you do the trick. What I usually do, I find this gives me a lot more success, I move my hand either forward or backward as I notice where the yoyo is to try to aim that vertical part of that string, because that is what is close to your hand, in order to get it into the yoyo.
The second thing I do, is instead of tossing the yoyo to make sure it goes over this hand, I usually launch it so that it ends up right here, and then I move my yoyo hand underneath the yoyo in kind of a diagonal fashion. That movement allows you to control the vertical part of the whip so that you can aim it a little bit better if you are watching where the yoyo is. Again, you can kind of make little adjustments as you do it. Then the downward motion also helps to keep the whip motion going. It just seems to make everything work a lot better for me.
Again, if you just want to toss the yoyo up, you can get it to go right about like that, then you whip the string, insert your finger, and then you saw I moved my hands down in order to get my hands into position, and in order to aim the slack.
One thing I have not mentioned yet is that as you are practicing the trick, if you are right-handed, at least this happens to me, my string tension gets tighter and tighter, and so obviously if you have a lot of string tension then it is going to make the trick more difficult, so you may need to loosening your string as you do the trick in order to keep practicing it.
This is another one of those tricks, it is definitely perfectible, you can get this almost 100% of the time once you are better at the trick, but it is going to be a little bit wild to get everything to happen all at once: you need to be whipping and catching and landing all at the same time. That is pretty difficult, but once you get it, I think it is a great addition to all of your 1.5 Mount Tricks. So that is Whip to 1.5 Mount.