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Learn how to do the 1A Yoyo String Trick, Rancid Milk.

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Rancid Milk Yoyo Trick
This is the trick Rancid Milk and it looks like this.

The principles to this trick are similar to Kamikaze, so if you haven’t learned that trick, go to the video section and check it out. What you are going to start with, is essentially a modified Triple or Nothing. To start this trick you are going to want to swing the yoyo around your thumb, and on your dominate hand you are going around your index finger, and then just lift your middle finger out and go around that side, and then go back over your index finger on your dominate side. Then lastly, tuck in your middle finger and stick out your pointer finger and land it on that mount and that will be the modified Triple or Nothing mount. Again, that will be around the thumb, around the index, then around the middle, around the index again, and then lastly the index on your weak hand.

Once you are in that mount with the string on the ends of your first fingers, you are going to do a similar motion to a Kamikaze Mount where you are going to toss the yoyo up into the top string and as the yoyo hits the top string then you are going to drop the string off of your middle finger. Again you want to make sure you drop the string off of your middle finger as the yoyo is hitting the top string. From there you are going to do a similar pop, and drop another string again. This time you are going to drop the string that is on the end of the dominant index finger. Again, you are going to be dropping the front string off of your dominant index finger and then you are going to add the pop to add some flare to it. Again, once you are in this mount you want to make sure you are popping the yoyo up into the air each time to make the trick look as good as possible.

Once you are in this mount you are essentially in a Houdini Mount, but it is modified to have an extra wrap around the bearing and with that you can then roll the yoyo over the index finger of your opposite hand like so and as you roll it over you want to then shift your palm up into the air. Place your hand in a position like you are holding a tray as a waiter would. Once you are in this position, you are going to use the momentum from the roll of the yoyo to then toss the yoyo up and then land it on the same string. Again, you want to make sure that when you toss it up you then place your palm from face up to face down position and land on the same string. As you are practicing this trick you may notice that you do not even need to hop the yoyo up onto the front string, since you are landing on the same string you can just rotate your hands and stay on the same string. If you want to make the trick look as good as possible you will want to hop the yoyo up and land on the same string for full effect.

Now you are in a Houdini Mount, but this time the Houdini Mount has a little twist in the string right here so you are going to undo that twist with your opposite index finger, and you can lift your elbow up to do so. Then immediately after that you are going to roll the yoyo over top of your throw hand index finger and into the top string like so. Immediately after that you are then going to drop the string off of the thumb of your opposite hand, and then you are going to toss the yoyo up into the air, undercut the string, and land on the front string. Again, you are going to be in a modified Houdini Mount with a twist in the string so you will undo the twist and as you undo the twist you’ll then roll to the dominant side of your body and into the top string drop the string off the opposite thumb as the yoyo settles you’ll then toss the yoyo up into the air, undercut it, and land on the front string in one smooth motion. The key in doing this trick is that you want make sure that you do the first three steps in a successive fashion so that way it looks like one fluid motion. After you do those first three steps in a row you can then undercut and hit the front string.

Now you will be in a Double or Nothing where you will have an extra twist on the backside of your yoyo index finger, and this will lead to probably the toughest part of the trick. Your going to first want to pull the bottom back string of your Double or Nothing with your opposite thumb. Then you are going to curl the index finger in and drop the back string off of your index finger. As you are doing that you are going to roll to the yoyo side and that will hit the top string and over your yoyo index. Then you will turn your palm up, and then you are going to hook onto the the string that is crossing the two vertical strands right here. As you are doing that you are going to drop the string off of your opposite thumb. Then while you are doing that you are going to move your opposite hand to the other side of your body on top of your yoyo hand. This will lead into your arms being crossed. After that, you are going to lift the yoyo over top of your yoyo arm. Then you are going to dip your opposite hand under and get into the mount. While you are doing that dipping motion you want to then take the ring and pinky finger of your yoyo hand and just grab the string coming from your yoyo finger. Then as you do that you are also going to bring your index finger in and then this will lead into a mount where it looks you are in a fist that is punching the index finger of your opposite hand. This will lead into the next mount that will help you finish the trick.

One other thing to work as you are doing this is even thought there are a whole lot of steps in doing this trick, you are going to want to swing the yoyo in a full fluid rocking back and forth motion. I am doing a whole lot of step in it, but it really does look like I am just doing two motions.

Now you are going to end up in a mount in which you will have two layers of string in the inside of the yoyo, and what you want to do for the next part of the trick, is you want to spread your hands apart to pop the yoyo up in the air, and as it’s in the air you are going to take the thumb of your opposite hand and just pluck the back string. Then the yoyo will land on the single string that was on before. Now you just pulled this string out of the way.

After you have performed that hop you are then going to underpass with your opposite index finger, and then you are going to see that you have two strings over top of your index finger you are going to want to spread those strings apart, because on the next pop you are then going to pop the yoyo up between these two strings. So to help you spread them out even more you can then use your thumb on your yoyo hand. After you have all that spread out, you can pop the yoyo up into the air, drop all the strings, undercut it, and end up in the Trapeze. That concludes the trick.

Rancid Milk, even though there are a lot of elements involved, you are going to make sure you can put them all together in a nice fluid way. Once you start combining steps and putting things together you will realize that this trick really is not as long or as difficult as you may think. So just really pay attention to what fingers are being used and what strings are being pulled.

That is it, that is Rancid Milk.

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