Superman Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn how to do the advanced 1a yoyo trick Superman.
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Superman Yoyo TrickThis trick is Superman, and it looks like this:
This trick will be easier if you already know the trick Spirit Bomb, and like Spirit Bomb, you are going to be starting in a Wrist Mount and doing the first underpass, like you would in Spirit Bomb, and now you are going to be popping the yoyo up into the air in-front of this top string here. You are going to throw the yoyo up and through the triangle that is formed with the thumb and yoyo finger of your yoyo hand. Then you are going to land the yoyo on the bottom string after the yoyo goes through the triangle.
To make this hop easier, you are going to want to angle your first finger of you opposite hand up, that way you create some separation between the top string and the yoyo, so that the yoyo can end up in front of the top string rather than up into the top string. Also you are going to want to rotate your yoyo hand in with your thumb towards your body, which will create separation in the triangle so the yoyo can go through the triangle and into the bottom string. From here you are going to throw the yoyo up into a double-on, like you would in Spirit Bomb. Thin you are going to pop it back, just the way you came. You are going to end up in the exact same mount again, but now you are going to have momentum going towards the yoyo side of your body, and this momentum is going to create a Magic Drop, essentially. What you are going to do is pull out the three fingers of your yoyo hand, spread the fingers apart as if you are performing Magic Drop, throw the yoyo above, let the string reject and you are going to hit the bottom string, like you would in Magic Drop. The only difference is you are going to have some extra knots and twists by your yoyo hand as you perform the Magic Drop.
Some tips to help you when performing the Magic Drop part of this trick is, number one, all the tips we give in the Magic Drop video will also apply here. To keep the string perpendicular to the groove of the yoyo will also apply here. Letting the string float up in the air so that the yoyo can reject off of the string will also apply here. Also, all the tips that we have for landing the yoyo on the bottom string like pointing your index finger down and separating it with your thumb can also work here as well.
Another thing that you can use that does not happen in Magic Drop is you can use this double-on to gain some extra momentum to swing into the Magic Drop. From here, you can swing from here straight into the Magic Drop all in one motion, rather than just starting from here and trying to swing into the Magic Drop. Just make sure you hit the double-on and swing it over and get into the Magic Drop. One last thing, you are going to have the Magic Drop still hang off of your pointer finger after you land on the bottom string.
From here you are going to pop the yoyo up into the air but you are going to go inside the top string instead, and as you do that you are going to drop the string off of your pointer finger and you are also going to insert your three fingers back into the mount so that way the string is draped again over the back of your hand.
From here you are essentially going to perform a Spirit Bomb dismount, but instead of turning your hand in and landing the yoyo on the inside string you are going to be landing it on the same string but this time the same string is going to be on the outside. Instead of turning your hand in to separate the strings, you are going to turn your hand out to separate the strings.
From here you are going to be performing a through triangle like we did before, but in the opposite direction. You are going to throw the yoyo up under and through the triangle while letting go of the first string of your opposite hand on your index finger. As the yoyo goes through the triangle it is going to go up into the air and fall back down in-front of the top string and land back down into the bottom string.
A couple of tips for performing that last through triangle is number one, you are going to pluck the back string with your thumb and rotate your hand out. That way the back string is as far back away as possible. The second tip is to swing the yoyo out and away from you and then swing up and through the triangle. That way you have some speed to get the yoyo up and through the triangle. Lastly, you want to make sure to keep your hands level, your right hand and your left hand should be at the same height, rather than your throw hand being above your non-throw hand. It makes it harder to get through the triangle when your throw hand is above your non-throw hand. Keep your hands level, swing it the other way, gain some momentum and throw it through and then drop the string as it goes through the triangle. Lastly, as the yoyo goes through the triangle you are going to rotate your opposite hand from being out to being completely in so that way the back string can become the front string after the yoyo goes through the triangle and you can easily land on that string.
Lastly, you are going to want to practice this part of the trick because it is probably one of the hardest parts of Superman, assuming that you already know the Magic Drop portion. One way that you can practice this part of the trick is you can actually bypass most of the trick by doing the through triangle here, and not performing the double-on and Magic Drop, and just going directly into this modified Double or Nothing mount in the Spirit Bomb, and then you can go directly to the through triangle from here. You can skip the double-on and Magic Drop.
From there, after you get finished with the through triangle, you can then dismount like you would in Spirit Bomb, drop the strings off of your throwhand, and that concludes the trick.
That is Superman.