2A #15 Punching Bags Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Punching Bags, trick #15 of the 2A Looping Trick Ladder of the Yoyo Sport Ladder. Learn the Punching Bag Yoyo Trick Here.
For this yoyo trick we recommend:
2A #15 Punching Bags Yoyo TrickThis is trick number 15 of the Looping Trick Ladder. It is called Punching Bags, and it looks like this.
One, two, three, four, five, six, and so on, up until at least ten repetitions.
A few things to note is, you can start with a Hop the Fence and then punch up into Punching Bags. Another thing to consider, is if you do start with Hop the Fence and punch up into Punching Bags is you must be at least at a 45 degree angle for the Punching Bags to start to count. You must not go above 135 degrees, which is this angle right here. So, as long as you are in between these two angles the Punching Bags will count. Once the count of the Punching Bags starts make sure you don’t go below 45 degrees or above 135 degrees or else your Punching Bag count stops. So, for example, if I punch up into 45 degrees, and then go back down before I reach ten that would be considered a miss. If I go above that, that would also be considered a miss, if I leave before ten repetitions.
Make sure you do at least ten repetitions of Punching Bags, and that’s Punching Bags.