1A #21 The Iron Whip Yoyo Trick Core
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The Iron Whip, trick #21 of the 1A String Trick Ladder of the Yoyo Sport Ladder. Learn the Iron Whip Yoyo Trick Here.
For this yoyo trick we also recommend:
1A #21 The Iron Whip Yoyo TrickThis is trick #21 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called the Iron Whip, and it looks like this.
All you need to do for this trick is just perform the Iron Whip two times. Make sure that between each whip you go back into a Trapeze, so if you miss your whip like that and get it on the wrong side you won’t be able to get it back to the Trapeze and re-perform the trick. Just make sure you do the trick properly and then open your hands back up to show that you are in a Trapeze between them. As long as you do two reps, get the yoyo back to your hand, that is the Iron Whip.