1A #6 The Brain-Twister Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
The Brain-Twister, trick #6 of the 1A String Trick Ladder of the Yoyo Sport Ladder. Learn the Brain-Twister Yoyo Trick Here.
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1A #6 The Brain-Twister Yoyo TrickThis is trick #6 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called the Brain-Twister, in our tutorials we call it the Brain-Scrambler, and it looks like this.
When you are performing this trick you want to throw a Sleeper. You are going to take your opposite hand and push into the string, bring your yoyo hand underneath the yoyo, put the yoyo onto the string. Then you are going to take your yoyo finger and push into these two strings right here and do at least one repetition. You can do more repetitions if you like. After that you are going to dismount the yoyo any way you like, and then you bring the yoyo back to your hand any way you choose.
You want to make sure that when you are doing this trick, when you are doing your repetitions, you want to push your yoyo finger into the string to do the repetitions. You do not want to keep your hands separated like this, or that may be considered a miss.
That is the Brain-Twister.