2A #14 Vertical Punches Yoyo Trick Core
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Vertical Punches, trick #14 of the 2A Looping Trick Ladder of the Yoyo Sport Ladder. Learn the Vertical Punches Yoyo Trick Here.
For this yoyo trick we recommend:
One, two, three, four, five, and so on, up until at least ten repetitions.
A few things to note is you can either start throwing straight into Vertical Punches like so, or you can start with a Reach for the Moon into Vertical Punches like this. Another thing to note, is the Reach for the Moon does not count as a Vertical Punch, so you want to do a Reach for the Moon and then count one, two, three, and so on.
Make sure you do at least ten repetitions, and that is Vertical Punches.[/ transcript]