1A #8 Split the Atom Yoyo Trick Core
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Split the Atom, trick #8 of the 1A String Trick Ladder of the Yoyo Sport Ladder. Learn the Split the Atom Yoyo Trick Here.
For this yoyo trick we also recommend:
1A #8 Split the Atom Yoyo TrickThis is trick #8 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called Split the Atom, and it looks like this.
With Split the Atom, the key that you need to remember is to do three flips on this trick. You are going to do Split the Atom, just like you learned it. Bring it under, under. When you get here you are going to roll into the string. You can do three flips, you can do more if you want as long as you bring the yoyo back to your hand.
From here you can dismount any way that you want. You can dismount like that, you can bring it out the front, it doesn’t matter. Bring it back to your hand and you have completed Split the Atom.