The Module System: A New Way to Learn How to Yoyo + Instagram Contest Results Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Jake introduces The Module System, a new way of learning how to yoyo currently in development that is made possible by our supporters on Patreon. Learn more at:
The Module System: A New Way to Learn How to Yoyo + Instagram Contest Results Yoyo TrickLast week we announced our Patreon campaign, and we are very happy to say that in less than one week we reached our first goal, allowing us to start developing an entirely new way to learn how to yoyo – the Module system. If you have no idea what we are talking about here with Patreon, go and check out our video “yotricks is leaving youtube” that should explain the gist of it.
As you know, has the world’s largest collection of high quality trick tutorials. You, our fans, love our tutorials, but we often hear that some of you guys start thinking “whats next?” We hear questions like “What tricks should I learn after the first 50 list?” or “Where can I learn just tech or slack tricks?” This is where the Module System comes in.
The Module System is a highly organized, efficient, and curated trick teaching curriculum based on video game progression and reward systems. Its structure is designed to give players a way to more easily find tricks they want to learn, as well as giving them suggestions for tricks they already have the skill to learn, but might not yet know. The module system allows the community’s desire to learn tricks and our ability to break down tricks in an understandable way to synergize like never before.
Modules are organized by trick type and difficulty. For example, Slack Module 1 would cover the basics, Slack Module 2 would have tricks that involve more complicated slack elements, and Slack Module 3 would have the toughest slack tricks of all. Want to learn arm tricks? Just start at Arm Tricks Module 1. Want to push your horizontal skills to the absolute limit? Try checking out Horizontal Tricks Module 3.
We really think the possibilities with the module system are endless, and don’t only extend to different types of tricks. Want to learn tricks that have a good click per second ratio when building a new contest freestyle? Check out our competition essentials module. Have a talent show coming up and you’re not sure what tricks to perform on stage? Check out our Talent show module for flashy and easy to perform tricks.
As you can imagine, building a truly interconnected network of tricks is no easy task, and requires a massive amount of data. We have a pretty solid game plan in place already, and getting the module system live is one of our highest priorities. As we start the data collection and coding process, we want your help along the way. That’s where Patreon comes in:
As we are building the module system, Our Patreon supporters will be able to see updates behind the scenes, and we will be consulting them about which modules they would like us to produce next. Most importantly, our Patrons will have exclusive early access as valuable beta testers to personally contribute to an optimized user experience.
In addition to the module system, our patrons also get sweet perks like personalized feedback and advice for your competitive routine, discount coupons for orders from our store, deep discounts on specially selected products, voting privileges, and more!
Now that we’ve hit our first goal, we are on our way to reaching our second goal of designing a new yoyo, entirely on our own. Check out our Patreon for more details.
And don’t forget, submissions for the first user-submitted trick tutorial are still open until this Friday, April 13th, so if you have a trick that you’d like us to teach on our channel, you have until Friday to submit it through Patreon.
Expect more news about the module system and Patreon soon. And now, over to Chris for news on the Instagram contest.
The #YoTricksTokyo Instagram contest is now closed and we have a winner! Congratulations to Yoyo_Kian . Check your instagram DMs to claim your prize. Stay tuned at the end of this broadcast for more of our favorite entries.
As you may have noticed, we have been doing fewer of the news videos that we use to run the Instagram contest, and sometimes this has meant delaying announcing the winner sometimes a whole month. Because of this our next contest will be our last for the foreseeable future until is makes good sense for us to revive it.
For this instagram contest, we want you to post a video of a trick that you are most proud of learning. This can be something as simple as rock the baby or a full combo. Be sure to use the hashtag #YoTricksProud when you post your trick on Instagram.
For the full list of official contest rules go to This weeks contest will have 4 winners in total, 3 random entries will win a $25 gift card and our favorite entry will receive a $50 gift card to And don’t forget, we will be featuring of our favorite entries at the end of our next weekly yoyo update.
This is Christopher Chunn signing off, asking you, why didn’t the lifeguard save the hippie? Because he was too far out maaaaaaan. We’ll see you next time!
There are no yoyo tricks you need to know before learning this trick with your yoyo.