Switch Trapeze and his Brother Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
How to do the Freehand Yoyo Trick Switch Trapeze and his Brother.
Switch Trapeze and his Brother Yoyo Trick
This trick is called Switch Trapeze and his Brother and it looks like this:
So Switch Trapeze and his Brother is a Repeater and it’s also based on mirroring the same elements on either side of your body. Before you start learning this trick, first you want to learn Switch Trapeze. This is a very fundamental concept that is very easy to learn. All that you do is start in a Trapeze, then you want to stick out your middle finger. Hop the yoyo off and let the yoyo swing over to the opposite side. Bring your hands together and transfer the counterweight into your opposite hand. Then let the yoyo continue swinging over into a Trapeze. Alright that’s middle finger out, swing the yoyo over, and land into the other Trapeze.
So, you’re going to do the exact same motion for Switch Trapeze and his Brother but it just has one extra little element in it. Instead of starting in a Trapeze you want to start in a Trapeze and his Brother. Then you want to stick out your middle finger. Hop the yoyo off and let it swing around to the other side. As its swinging over you want to let go of the counterweight from your main hand and let it slide into your opposite hand. Ok so let’s do that again. Stick out your middle finger, hop the yoyo off, let go of the counterweight and let it slide into your other hand, landing it into a Trapeze and his Brother. And then you just repeat that process as many times as you want. And that is Switch Trapeze and his Brother.