One-handed Star Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn the One-handed Star Yoyo Trick
For this yoyo trick we recommend:
One-handed Star Yoyo TrickNext we are going to teach you the One-handed Star. It looks like this.
Alright, let’s break it down. As with any picture trick, the first thing you want to do is let the yoyo hang down at the bottom. From there we are going to take our thumb and lift the string. Next, our ring finger, we are going to wrap it around. From there we take our pointer finger, and again, we lift the string. Next is our pinky. Again we wrap. Followed by the middle finger. You are going to lift. Finally, you are just going to take your thumb and just hook it around there. Then you want to give it a little shape and it looks like the star.
Let’s do it one more time in regular speed. There you have the One-handed Star yoyo trick.
There are no yoyo tricks you need to know before learning this trick with your yoyo.