Brian Duncan

'World's Most Famous Yoyo Player'


About Brian Duncan

On Brian teaches both yoyo and kendama, while outside the site he is also teaches Karate and BJJ a few times a week. He is the main website developer of, and was also the original programmer for the YoYoTricks app for Apple and Android devices. He also has a Doctorate in Chinese Medicine, being skilled in both acupuncture and herbology.

In other words, Brian is easily bored, and likes a good challenge.

Brian is married to Kailey Duncan (who takes all the YoTricks photos). Together they have 6 children and a lot of farm animals.


personal info
my story

Adam Bottiglia gave me my first yoyo in 2004 and then taught me the basics. Just 6 months later I started doing yoyo shows with Adam putting my new found skills to good use. When Adam started I helped him film the first tutorials, built the updated web site and app, and began teaching 3a. In 2017 I was introduced by Ben McPhee at the World Yoyo Contest as 'The World's Most Famous Yoyo Player'. It's probably just because of my last name, but I'll take it.

"Relax." - Brian Duncan

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