Lighthouse Tap-In Kendama Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn the Kendama Trick Lighthouse Tap-In.
Kendama In This Video:
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Lighthouse Tap-In Kendama TrickIn this video, we are going to be learning a trick known as Lighthouse Tap-In. It looks like this:
Now, in order to do this trick, you are going to need to know the trick Lighthouse. You also want to have a general understanding of Taps and Clacks. Make sure you check out those two videos that we have already done.
To start off the trick, you are going to do a pull up to lighthouse. Now the trick right here is to make sure that you pop the ken perfectly straight up. A really good way to practice this is just by popping the ken up and relanding it back in lighthouse. You do not have to pop it very high, you just need to pop it just high enough so you have enough time to bring the tama out and give it a very very light tap.
Now when you are doing the trick, you will notice that if you are missing, the spike will either be pointing to you like this. This means you are not catching the tama low enough. So try bringing it down another inch or two, and really be bending you knees. This will bring it down farther so there is more time for it to rotate and land in. If you are hitting it and it is landing with the spike away from you and the base cup facing you, that means you are tapping it too hard and it is spinning too fast for you to bring the tama down to catch it.
You really want to try to find that equal balance between the two. When you feel comfortable, just give it a really light toss and a nice little tap. And it will fall right into the hole. And that is how you do Lighthouse Tap-In.