The LK Ninja Kanto is one of our favorite, minimalist paint jobs on a kendama. A throwback to our childhood when we all wanted to become a master! The LK Ninja Kanto features different color tops and bottom portions of the tama, separated by a stripe. This makes tracking the hole for mastering spike tricks a whole lot easier! And the rubberized paint helps you breeze through those balance tricks. Like other members of the LK Ninja lineup, the LK Ninja Kanto features our new kendama ninja artwork imprinted on the side of the big cup and the Throwback Skill Toys logo on the bottom of the ken. Unlike some of our other kendamas that are oversized or feature oversized cups, the LK Ninja lineup features a regular sized kendama with standard cup sizes giving players that authentic kendama feel. Featured in our videos, the LK Ninja Kanto Kendama is an all around great playing kendama sporting a striped tama and a stunning logo imprint. It is our number one recommended kendama for new kendama players. Unlike some of our other kendamas that are oversized or feature oversized cups, the LK Ninja Kanto Kendama is a regular sized kendama with standard cup sizes giving players that authentic kendama feel. Best of all, every LK Ninja Kendama includes a kendama ninja sticker! LK Ninja Kanto Kendama Review
We wanted to upgrade our kendama lineup and still maintain that classic kendama look and feel. We also wanted to accomplish two things with the changes: make a lower cost entry level kendama and make a kendama that is easier for beginners. After a couple years of working on the lathe, we found some changes we are completely happy with. Let’s start with the tama. The overall size of the tama remained the same, however, the hole for the string was slightly enlarged and added a bevel to it. This makes the kendama easier to string and also allows the string to more freely turn inside the tama. The hole on the bottom of the tama increased from 20.5mm to 22.5mm and the bevel widened and made more gradual. All of this to make spike tricks easier to land! The spike itself was kept the same length, but the diameter was increased from 10mm to 11mm. This gives balance tricks like Bird and Nightingale more stability. A slight taper (of 1mm overall) from the root of the spike to the tip was added to further improve accuracy of spikes. The serado width was increased from 69.5mm to 70mm which allowed us to increase the diameter of the balancing of ridge of both cups. The big cup ridge was increased from 10.5mm to 11.5mm and the small cup from 10.5mm to 11mm. The cups themselves were enlarged with the big cup increasing from an outer diameter of 44mm to 45.5mm and the small increasing from 41mm to 42.8mm. The bottom cup also was increased from 37.5mm to 38mm. The small edge on each of the cups was increased in thickness as well from 0.5mm to 1.5mm and flattened to provide more cushion. Finally, the bevel of the cups was shallowed out to match the curve of the tama better. Put these cup changes together and you get easier cup tricks. On the lower part of the ken, the ridge was increased in diameter from 3.5mm to 4mm and flattened to make balancing more stable. In addition, the crown of the bottom cup was shortened from 10.5mm to 9.8mm and a flat edge was added to aid in stability when performing balance tricks on the bottom of the ken. The LK Ninja has all of this at a lower price to make getting into kendama even easier!Manufacturer's Description of The LK Ninja Kanto Kendama
The LK Ninja series of kendama (made from beech wood) is the successor of our first kendama, the LK Standard. And at first glance, it might look like the same kendama, but underneath quite a lot has changed.