About Paul Kerbel
Paul Kerbel is known for his acrobatic performances and big tricks. He pioneered the use of complex fingerspin tricks through his competitive routines, and remains one of the only highly competitive players to incorporate a ball cap into his tricks. In Mexico he has won the national contest in multiple divisions, and is routinely a finalist in 1a at the World Yoyo Contest. His signature yoyo, the Horizon, has become legendary and is ever the favorite of players who prefer bold and exciting tricks.
personal info
- Name : Paul Kerbel
- Birthday : April 18th, 1995
- Preferred Style : 1A Yo-Yoing
- Signature Yoyos : Horizon Yoyo | Horizon Ultra Yoyo
my story
I started yoyoing in 2005, and I learned how to yoyo at 'Parque México' in Mexico City. I still go to the weekly meetings and teach yoyo tricks so come say hi!