About Chris Chunn
Chris began working for in 2016. While he has always been known for his amiable personality among competitors, in 2017 he really began to shine as a competitor, winning 5 separate regional contests, and ending the year undefeated. Chris has already shown his natural ability to craft in-depth tutorials with his Brain-Twister Combo Series, and we are looking forward to a ton more great content from Chris in the future.

personal info
- Name : Chris Chunn
- Birthday : August 5th, 1998
- Home Town : Detroit, MI
- Preferred Style : 1A, 4A Yo-Yoing
my story
When I first started competing, I didn't really know what I was doing. I knew a lot of tricks, but I didn't know what judges were looking for. That all changed in 2015. I switched from an old-school offstring yoyo to the Duncan Skyhawk. At the Plymouth yoyo club vetrans like Jake Malhoney, Dennis Shatter, and Connor Scholten would frequently discuss the contest scene, so I was able to pickup what I need to do to succeed. In 2015 I got second place in 5 separate contests. My first win was at Mid-Atlantic regionals, 2016 with the Flight yoyo. Since then I have won 6 more regional contests all across the United States.