The Transcend Yoyo Pro Pack comes with the Transcend yoyo and everything else you need to keep it working at peak performance. Along with the Transcend yoyo, the pack includes a Center Trac bearing for improved performance during difficult combos and off-axis style play. The Pro Pack also includes thin yoyo lube to protect the yoyo’s bearing, and HighEndString, our highest quality and most durable yoyo string to keep the Transcend yoyo playing as well as possible.
The Transcend Yoyo Pro Pack includes:
- The Transcend Yoyo – Signature yoyo of world champion Tessa Piccillo.
- Center Trac Bearing – A string centering bearing, great for complicated strings and off-axis style play.
- Thin Yoyo Lube – All yoyo bearings need lube to keep working properly, Thin Yoyo Lube keeps your bearings spinning long without breaking down.
- 5 HighEndStrings – Long lasting, excellent performing string. Great for all styles of play.
An amazing deal – $63.96 of products for $59.99.