Making the Best Yoyo Video Website Better
While you have been eagerly awaiting more yoyo videos (don’t worry, they’re coming) we have been hard at work behind the scenes to improve your YoTricks experience. Here are a few of the highlights:
Special Offers Email Subscription. Sign up to receive emails from once or twice a month letting you know about upcoming deals and important news. Use the Special Offers link on the top of the page.
New Welcome Video. We finally released a new Welcome to video that explains many of the new features we have added to the site.
New HD Yoyo Videos. We have re-rendered all our videos in HD to make the best yoyo videos online even better. Just click the HD button on any trick or category page and you will be in YoTricks HD.
Blue Numbered Indicators in the Sidebar. For a long time we have been adding additional videos to our tricks that can only be accessed in the main player. Now, in the sidebar we alert you to the presence of additional content with these blue numbered buttons. This number tells how many extra videos (besides the main trick video) you can view for this trick. Often the extra video is a Short Form video which shows a close up view of the trick without an explanation. The short form videos are especially useful if you are working on a trick and you just want to see the trick over and over again. In the future we intend to add many additional types of videos like trick variations and additional tips we may have left out of the main video.
To access the additional videos, just click the blue plus button on the player. If there are no additional videos for a trick this blue button will not appear.
No More Sidebar Videos. As you may have noticed we have been experimenting with the best and fastest way to give you, our users, access to our videos. Now on all the trick and category pages all the yoyo videos load in the main player, instead of playing in the sidebar. This give you access to all the additional video content (such as short form videos, trick variations, etc.), as well as the video transcripts for each trick without loading a new page.
Those are just a few of the many changes that have gone on under the hood. Give us some feedback in the comments to let us know how these new features are (or are not) working out for you. Enjoy!