Discover the Best Yoyo for You
Have you ever yoyoed before?
Would you prefer a yoyo that is super easy to use, but more limited?
Or, a yoyo that is almost as easy, but can also be upgraded for advanced play?
Do you already know how to do a bind return?
In that case we recommend the Sage Yoyo. It is easy to use and the pro pack allows it to be upgraded to allow for more advanced play.
How much are you looking to spend?
The Replay Pro is an affordable but excellently performing yoyo that was used to win the US National Yoyo Contest in 2015.
The Canon is an excellent all around yoyo, and a great deal. It comes with the $15 Ultraweight included so you can expand beyond 1a into the exciting 5a style when you're ready.
The Ethos is the pinnacle of yoyo design. If has a finger spin bowl, shape, as well as sturdy and attractive stainless steel engraved rims to maximize performance.