The ReXtreme yoyo features exotic flexible yet durable plastic and metal rim-weighted design give it a look and feel that is unparalleled in the offstring yoyo market. We enthusiastically recommend it for anyone getting into offstring. Its extra-wide shape, superb balance, and long spin times make learning tricks much easier on the ReXtreme than other offstring yoyos. And it bounces. High. In other words, if you mess up and it hits the ground, it gives you another chance by bouncing up high enough for you to get it back on the string. This is great for practice and performing! Many offstring yoyos have a rubberized rim for durability that has the unintended consequence of shooting the yoyo away from you when it hits the ground. The ReXtreme’s smooth finish and elasticity keeps it close when you make a mistake, and even gives you the opportunity to correct it by catching it again when it hits the floor. There is simply no other yoyo on the market like it. (The ReXtreme 2 is nearly identical to the original ReXtreme yoyo, except that it has added weight for longer spins and greater stability.) ReXtreme 2 YoYo Review
The ReXtreme is here and ready to change offstring yoyo play forever! Taking inspiration from World Champion Rei Iwakura, YoYoJam set out to literally change the way people think about offstring. Rei’s new signature series yoyo is the next step in offstring evolution built for innovation. ReXtreme is designed to be large, powerful, and fast. Precisely machined aluminum weight rings are carefully placed where it counts for maximum momentum and unmatched stability for a yoyo of its size! This yoyo is built to bring about a change in offstring play and maximize the potential of tricks that are larger with more body movement involved. This yoyo comes equipped with a large SPEED bearing, silicone response, solid spin axle, and a perfectly tightened gap for long unresponsive play and the ability to do a strong bind when it counts. ReXtreme is excellent for both the first time offstring player and the expert who needs to reach a new level. Rei Iwakura’s new ReXtreme is a true game changer for the offstring style!Manufacturer's Description of The ReXtreme 2 YoYo