Winner of the 2017 and 2018 US National Yoyo Contest, the Edge is YoYoFactory’s premier competition bi-metal yoyo. The Edge features a wide shape that lends itself to large, risky tricks and off axis play. The Edge is best suited for large, flashy tricks. Hops, pops, and tricks that incorporate large movements around your body. The Edge is wider than most yoyos, which makes it easier to land on the string. The very low walled V shape, in combination with its increased width, makes accurately and consistently performing off axis tricks considerably less challenging. The inner cup is surprisingly easy to use and effective for finger spin tricks. We think that the Edge sets a new standard for competition level performance for a Bi-metal yoyo. If you are interested in becoming a competitive yoyo player, or performing for crowds, then look no further than the Edge 2022 Yoyo Review
From the first throw, the most noticeable aspect of the Edge is its feeling of power. The Edge Yoyo spins hard and comes back with a snap. The Edge Yoyo has two wide, laser engraved stainless steel weight rings uniquely placed closer to the gap. It is this unusual bi-metal design that brings tremendous stability and spin times to the Edge Yoyo.
Designing with Evan Nagao is a fluid process. Rarely a month goes by without samples or CAD designs getting worked on by one side or the other. Evan was off exploring a new design direction (that didn’t quite work out) while we started working on a reimagined original Edge. As fans of the whole Edge line and under the influence of Ultimatum and Infinity as the two latest releases we found a real winner in the Edge 2022! It captures a feeling but turns the volume up with less aluminum and way more steel than the original edge. This yoyo will find a place both on stage (one day) and hitting big tricks in clip videos. At 65gm the player will find themselves in control with the rims driving through combo after combo. For the Initial release we Have a couple of Evans favorite colorways as well as a player edition by new YoYoFactory team recruit Aldrin Brylle Marapao of the Philippines.Manufacturer's Description of The Edge 2022 Yoyo