Nagao Hops Yoyo Trick Core
Left Handed?
Learn Evan Nagao’s iconic repeating hop trick, Nagao Hops.

Nagao Hops Yoyo TrickThis trick is called Nagao Hops, and this is what it looks like:
To start this trick off, you are going to do a 1.5 mount. Then you are going to drop your index finger of your non-throwhand. Swing the yoyo around over your non-throwhand and then you are going to swing the yoyo towards your throw side of your body. At the same time, let go of your index finger of your throwhand. Then you are going to land on that same finger. This should put you in a trapeze and his brother mount. Make sure that when you are here, you are going to put your non-throwhand thumb over the top string. Then you are going to pop and chop as if it were a Black Hop. From here this is where you can start the repeater part of the trick. From here, you are going to swing the yoyo around the outside of your non-throwhand and let the yoyo keep rising up as you let go of your throwhand index finger. It is going to look like this.
Once you swing the yoyo behind your non-throwhand in an upwards direction, you will notice that the yoyo will dismount from the slack. This slack will come over your throwhand and onto your throwhand wrist. Then as the yoyo is still in the air, you are going to chop the string with your index finger of your throwhand. Land in the front. This should all be done in one singular motion.
There are a few tips that I can give you when trying to land this element. The first is to bend your thumb of your non-throwhand over the string. This will keep the string in place as you do the trick. The second is you want to make sure that the string never comes off your index finger of your non-throwhand as you perform this element. To solve this, you are going to make sure that your hand is going around the yoyo as you are performing the trick. This will keep the yoyo in the right place so that you can land it easier. Also it will help the slack to open up and the yoyo to dismount from the slack. The last tip I can give you when performing this element is to use kendama knees. This will give you some time to land the element. Also, it will propel the slack around.
The next part of the trick is just the same as the last, except for the yoyo is mounted on your throwhand rather than your non-throwhand. When you do this pop, you are going to, instead of slip your hand through the slack, you are just going to let the slack come over your non-throwhand. Then you are going to land onto your index finger of your non-throwhand again. Now you are back in the original Under or Nothing position. So you can continue to repeat these two elements as a repeater. Just remember that when you are done, you want to land back into the initial Under or Nothing position.
This trick is similar to Candyrain, just it is the popping version of it. From here, you are ready to dismount the trick. To do this, you are going to put your non-throwhand thumb under the top string. Then you are going to perform the same element as the first element. This time, landing on a Trapeze and his Brother, but with one twist around your wrist. Then you are going to perform the same element as the second element, but you are going to catch the slack this time, rather than let it go over your hand. Land on the string of the slack. This puts you in a trapeze and his brother mount. From here, you are going to do the same element that you just did. But when the yoyo is in the air, you are going to turn your elbow out and your palm face down. Perform a Bridge Whip. You are going to land on the front string. Then from here you are going to perform a suicide. Then bring your non throwhand over your throwhand and catch into a backwards Green Triangle. Then you are going to pop off the front and uncross your arms into Trapeze. Bind, and that is Nagao Hops.
So, once you have got Nagao Hops down, you can then try to do it cross-armed. Take that, kid who says my tricks are too easy…