Happy New Year from YoTricks.com
Here at YoTricks.com we want to welcome you into 2010. We have a lot of plans for the new year to take the best place online to learn yo-yo tricks and make it even better.
As you probably already know, YoTricks.com already offers a great video-driven user experience for learning new skills. Besides all the tricks being conveniently organized into major trick categories, the tricks are always arranged in order of difficulty to make it easy to find new tricks to learn. In addition to this we hope in 2010 to add a new trick ladder functionality. The trick ladder is a series of tricks used in competitive yo-yo play. We will combine our great videos with an easy to navigate system to help you master these competitive tricks.
Early in 2010 we will also be bringing you yo-yo specific modifications to help you push your yo-yos to the next level. These mods will come with video instructions and mod-kits that you can order from our store. Right now we are putting the finishing touches on several great mods that we hope our users will take, use, and even improve upon.
All this year we will keep you up to date on new yo-yo releases, competitions we will be attending, new video releases, and much more.
So, from all of us at YoTricks.com, we hope you have a great year and that it is full of joy and plenty of yo-yoing.